
The Lethbridge Minor Softball Association is looking for umpires on week nights from May to June. These clinics are for anyone who wants to make some extra cash and watch a ball game at the same time with the best seat in the house!

We are encouraging anyone who is 12 and older that if they are interested they can sign up. All younger participants will also only umpire ages younger than them. This is a prefect PART-TIME JOB where you earn $$$ and develop important personal and professional skills such as teamwork, self-confidence, decision-making and public speaking.

Rate Chart

1st year - $35

2nd year - $40

3rd year - $45

4 + years - $50





2024 Online Junior Umpire Clinic


We are pleased to announce that ASUA has made available an Online clinic for the Theory portion of the 2024 clinic season for all zones.  The clinic is flexible, and may be completed anytime at your pace.

On-Field Mechanic Clinics will be held in your local areas to complete the certification process

Junior: Entering 1st, 2nd or 3rd year Umpiring

There is no cost to attend the online clinic.  

The Technical On-Field Portion is being set up at the moment. If you are interested please SUBMIT an umpire interest form as well so that we know you are interested. 


Link to online clinic:




We are excited to introduce umpires to the LMSA team! 

The following equipment will be mandatory when umpiring an LMSA game: Mask, chest protector, indicator, umpire t-shirt and will be provided by LMSA to each umpire. Shin guards and groin protection will be mandatory for any umpire under 18 years of age and will be the responsibility of the umpire to purchase.

Umpires will be given a sheet to keep track of the games that they have umped (date/diamond/team names/Home and visiting coach signatures). They will submit these books to the treasurer via email to Payment will be arranged monthly via cheque.



Schedule for Umpires:




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